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MO Jerky - Absolutely delicious & unique flavor combinations MO Jerky - Absolutely delicious & unique flavor combinations

MO Jerky - Absolutely delicious & unique flavor combinations

MO Jerky does it differently and it works incredibly well!

Forget about traditional jerky flavours - open your mind for exciting new flavour combinations

We are excited to announce that we are the first to launch MO Jerky outside of Czech Republic.
This young jerky brand combines two of the oldest traditions - bee keeping and drying meat. They use their own harvested honey in the products and produce artisanally.
While it might sound traditional the flavor combinations they create are quite far from that.
Yes, these products are something for true meat connoisseurs and they are absolutely delicious.

But it doesn't end there!

MO Jerky has also their own line of fruit jerky. Dried apricot, blueberries and pear.
If you're craving for something sweet on the go, these fruit jerkies will definitely be healthier than going for some candy. And absolutely tastier.

MO Jerky has also two Mushroom Jerkies!

One made from Shiitake Mushrooms and one from Oyster Mushrooms. Something new worth trying as well.

Both are sweetened with their own honey so they are not vegan but still vegetarian friendly.

See the rest of the flavours on the MO Jerky page on Jerky Store Europe!

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