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BiFi Starter Pack - Das ultimative herzhafte Trio!

Sonderpreis 280,00 Kč

Einzelpreis74,67 Kč pro 

inkl. MwSt.

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Erlebe dreifachen Geschmack mit dem BiFi Snack Lovers Bundle, einer köstlichen Auswahl ikonischer BiFi-Snacks! Dieses Bundle enthält den taschengroßen BiFi Carazza für ein Mini-Pizza-Erlebnis, die klassischen BiFi Original Sticks mit würzigem Aroma und den BiFi Roll – die ultimative Salami im fluffigen Teigmantel. Perfekt für unterwegs, als schneller Snack oder zum Teilen mit Freunden. Jeder Snack besteht aus hochwertigen Zutaten und kräftigen Aromen, die jederzeit für Genuss sorgen. Warum sich mit einem zufriedengeben, wenn man alle drei haben kann?

Das Bundle enthält:

  • 1x BiFi Carazza 3er-Pack (3x40g)
  • 1x BiFi Original 6er-Pack (6x20g)
  • 1x BiFi Roll 3er-Pack (3x45g)


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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Luciano D.C.
Mixed feelings

I tried a bunch of beef jerky with this order. The Jack Link's was good, maybe a bit too sweet. The Fine Gusto too, was very good, savory. I got a lot of Indiana in different sizes and spices. I'm not going to lie: it's probably the best. Good price + not too sweet + the biltong is so good. It's tougher than the others, but it's fine, you can chew longer and it releases more flavor. The Bifi sticks were interesting, nice for a quick snack. The pizza one... no. Sorry, it was... not palatable to me. And then, I also got two bags of Grizzly jerky. It's unbearable. It smells bad? Tastes like it's old (and well, it's the only one that is much closer to the best before date, relative to the other jerky). Maybe it would taste good if it was 1+ years from the expiry date. I wasted money on those two bags and have thrown them in the trash. Altough it would be nice to receive some coupons for my next order because of this - I will order again (the jerky brands that now I know taste how I like) for the quick delivery, the availability, and the prices are not too bad.

laurent r.
Super vraiment au top

Vraiment top, livraisons super!
Par contre les trucs veggy gratuit c’était pas ouf 😂

Thank you for your review!

We hope to see you again on Jerky Store :)

Jessi J.

All the different formats of BIFI are great


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BiFi Starter Pack - Das ultimative herzhafte Trio!
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